There are six different ways the plugin can pick keywords for a post. These keywords will be used to pull relevant products from Amazon.

The plugin will try every selected method in the same order as presented on the settings screen until at least one keyword is generated.

Tweak these settings to achieve the best relevancy.

Pick up search engine keywords

If user arrived from search engine plugin can pick up keywords used for search and use them to pull products. This method will be used only if referring url is available. If user arrived from ssl encrypted url ( https:// ) the keywords cannot be picked up (for example this happens when user is logged in to any google services).

Generate based on post/page content

Plugin scans post content and picks most used words and phrases.

Use post title

If title is 4 words or less the plugin will use it to pull products. If nothing found the plugin will try each word individually until at least one result found.

Use post tags

You can use this method if you have good tags on your posts.

Use specific keywords per category

If you enter keywords per category they can be used to pull products.

Use fallback keywords

If all selected methods above fail use these keywords to pull products. You need to enter your fallback products first.

Posted in: Settings